The Pinay Doulas are always thirsty for new knowledge and skills. In May 2017, we all learned about basic life support under the guidance of Editha Dumaoal, EMT from the Rapid Response Training Center, an approved training center of the American Safety and Health Institute.
After a full day of practicing, we learned how to check for responsiveness and determine the proper response, whether to start cardio-pulmonary resucitation (CPR) or rescue breathing. Since we are in the care of adults, children and infants, we also learned the proper way of doing the response for each age group. In addition, we practiced the Heimlich maneuver especially for babies.
To say that being armed with these skills is a necessity is an understatement. Although we always work in partnership with a doctor or midwife, it definitely helps that each of us is confident that we can support our clients in emergency situations. Our training emphasized the importance of first aid and rapid response in the first two minutes of a crisis.
We are so proud to say that all the members of the Pinay Doulas Collective are ready and capable of providing basic life support to anyone in need. Achievement unlocked!
Below are some scenes from the training. It seems serious, we know, but we truly had fun learning about basic life support.
Joining us in the workshop are teachers from the Kolisko Waldorf School.